
Behaviour management


Positive Behaviour for Learning

'At Jandowae Prep-10 State School we are SAFE, RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS'

Jandowae P-10 State School is a Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) school. PBL is an evidence-based whole school approach to establish and sustain the social culture needed for schools to be effective learning environments. PBL supports schools to create positive learning environments that promote wellbeing. The Student Code of Conduct (2021 Jandowae P-10 SS Student Code of Conduct.pdf) is designed to facilitate high standards of behaviour so that the learning and teaching in our school can be effective and students can participate positively within our school community.


Resolving Issues Respectfully at School

'Respect our staff, respect our school'

"A key priority of state school staff, parents and families is to foster a safe and healthy learning environment for all Queensland students. As a parent of a school-aged child, there may be times when issues arise that affect your child, for example a playground incident with another child or issues within the classroom. How those issues are handled can make a significant difference to the learning and development of our students, and the positive environments we aim to create and nurture. Please read the following document to assist in resolving issues respectfully.pdf and reach an outcome that is in the best interest of the student." Department of Education and Training

Last reviewed 01 November 2022
Last updated 01 November 2022